July 29, 2010

Kurdish Alphabets

A - as a in Cat, Chat, Dad.
B - as b in Ball, Bad, Cube.
C - as j in Joint, Joke and g in Huge.
Ç - as ch in Chicken, Watch, Catch
D - as d in Door, Dark, Code.
E - as u in Cut, Shut, But.
Ê - as e in Jet, Bet, Wet.
F - as f in Fat, Full, Fun.
G - as g in Gas, Gap, Google.
H - as h in Home, Hobby, Habit.
I - is cold "Bizroke". It's not read.
Î - as ee, i in Feel, Fit.
J - as S in Pleasure, Measure.
K - as C, K in Cool, Kitchen, Back,
L - as l in Lack, Lesion. [LL as l, ll in Cool, Bill (written as one L at the beginning of a word)]
M - as m in Math, Match, Magic.
N - as n in Noon, Moon, Can.
O - as o in Oxygen, Clock, Joke.
P - as p in pull, Push, Port.
Q - as q in Qelladize (no such phonetic in English)
R - as r in History, Start. [RR as r in Radio, Russia (written as one R at the beginning of a word)]
S - as s, c in Surround, Serial, Receive.
Ş - as sh, tion in Share, National.
T - as t in Tear, Attempt.
U - as u in Quiz, Quit
Û - as oo in Cool, Tool.
V - as v in Vertical, Vary.
W - sa w in Water, Window.
X - it's read as a Dutchman reads/says Megapixel (No such phonetic in English but in French and Dutch is very common)
Y - as y in Yellow, Yard.
Z - as z in Zero, Zebra.

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