July 29, 2010

Kurdish Alphabets

A - as a in Cat, Chat, Dad.
B - as b in Ball, Bad, Cube.
C - as j in Joint, Joke and g in Huge.
Ç - as ch in Chicken, Watch, Catch
D - as d in Door, Dark, Code.
E - as u in Cut, Shut, But.
Ê - as e in Jet, Bet, Wet.
F - as f in Fat, Full, Fun.
G - as g in Gas, Gap, Google.
H - as h in Home, Hobby, Habit.
I - is cold "Bizroke". It's not read.
Î - as ee, i in Feel, Fit.
J - as S in Pleasure, Measure.
K - as C, K in Cool, Kitchen, Back,
L - as l in Lack, Lesion. [LL as l, ll in Cool, Bill (written as one L at the beginning of a word)]
M - as m in Math, Match, Magic.
N - as n in Noon, Moon, Can.
O - as o in Oxygen, Clock, Joke.
P - as p in pull, Push, Port.
Q - as q in Qelladize (no such phonetic in English)
R - as r in History, Start. [RR as r in Radio, Russia (written as one R at the beginning of a word)]
S - as s, c in Surround, Serial, Receive.
Ş - as sh, tion in Share, National.
T - as t in Tear, Attempt.
U - as u in Quiz, Quit
Û - as oo in Cool, Tool.
V - as v in Vertical, Vary.
W - sa w in Water, Window.
X - it's read as a Dutchman reads/says Megapixel (No such phonetic in English but in French and Dutch is very common)
Y - as y in Yellow, Yard.
Z - as z in Zero, Zebra.

Hello there!

The Kurdish language is spoken by around 40 million people all over the world. Kurds live in an area called Kurdistan, a land divided over Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Armenia and millions of Kurds live in diaspora. This led to the diversity and existence of different dialects of Kurdish. The Kurdish dialects are Kurmanci, Sorani, Zazaki and Gorani. The two main Dialects are Kurmanci and Sorani.

Kurmanci is spoken by a larger population than Sorani whom they live in Turkey and Syria. It's written in Latin alphabet. Sorani is spoken by a lesser population in Iraq and Iran, but the exact amount is unknown. According to Wikipedia 6 million Kurds speak Sorani, However the statistics are not reliable.
Sorani is the official language of Iraqi government and also Kurdistan Regional Government which is an autonomic region in northern Iraq, while Kurds in Turkey are not allowed to speak their mother language, Kurmanji. So the possibility of Sorani to grow and become the standard dialect of the Kurds is stronger.

Here, you will learn Sorani dialect with us. Originally, Sorani is written in a modified Arabic alphabet, but for you to easily read, we will write in Latin alphabet.